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Category: Public Policy

Potty Training and Market Incentives, Vaping’s Supply Chain, Climate, AI, Schizophrenia, and Fintech (Weekend Reads, 2/15/20)

Weekend Reads is an eclectic collection of seven fascinating articles I’ve encountered during the previous week. These are posted here in a spirit of open dialogue, curiosity, and explorative conversation (Bollinger, 2019; Hatch, 2019) . Hope you find these as thought-provoking as I have. Thoughtful, well-reasoned, and respectful comments are…

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Scotland’s Ice Age, Designing for Serendipity, Carbon Cost, and Frictionless Philanthropy (Weekend Reads, 2/8/20)

Lately, it’s been extremely difficult to make time to blog about … well, anything. Between family, work, and grad school my schedule is beyond maximum capacity However, I still read a lot of material. I want to make a habit of sharing some of the better reads. So, here you…

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Where the Rubber Hits The Road: Putting People First In American Cities (Columbia | SIPA)

This Thursday, Mayor Michael D Tubbs of Stockton, CA and Columbia SIPA’s Ester Fuchs will discuss “Where the Rubber Hits the Road: Putting People First in American Cities” – sign up to view this LIVE, webcast edition of Just Societies! EVENTBRITE: WHERE THE RUBBER HITS THE ROAD: PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST IN…

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How Big Business Is Hedging Against The Apocalypse (NYTimes)

A very striking read from The New York Times Magazine’s recent ‘The Climate Issue’ on the current realities of the energy market in the face of climate change. “Absent a coherent strategy, opportunists step in and benefit from the shifting landscape. Technology advances, but not the system underneath. Faced with…

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