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Spinnova Tech Enables Sustainable Fashion (Fast Company)

Incredible technology coming out of Finland from a start-up named SPINNOVA. Profiled in a recent FastCompany article, Spinnova’s tech promises to revolutionize the clothing industry by allowing many fiber based waste products (wood pulp, food waste, old clothing) to be reduced and reconstructed into high-quality fabric. “Your future T-shirts might…

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Target Corporation Commits to Fair Trade Coffee

TARGET CORPORATION recently announced, in partnership with Fair Trade USA, that their Archer Farms coffee brand products will be certified fair trade by 2022. This is certainly a big move (and a welcome commitment) coming from a corporation as large as Target, but particularly so given that coffee futures are…

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What IKEA and the Instant Pot can Teach us About Competition (MIT Sloan)

“While some companies are struggling to sell solutions to outdated problems, other companies are figuring out how to solve a core problem. ‘That’s what I call inversion. You’ve got to wrap yourself around the need and think outwards, rather than limit yourself to your product.’” Really appreciated this article from…

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Enabling Models of Inclusive Growth (Global Focus Magazine)

“To advance sustainable and inclusive growth we need to address the puzzle of a simultaneous increase in wealth disparity and a decline in poverty.” Yuwa Hedrick-Wong and Howard Thomas offer an insightful shift in economics perspective. LINK: GLOBAL FOCUS MAGAZINE – ENABLING MODELS OF INCLUSIVE GROWTH: ADDRESSING THE NEED FOR FINANCIAL…

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The Fundamentals of Leadership Still Haven’t Changed (Harvard Business Review)

“Despite many changes in our context – in its fundamentals, leadership has not changed over the years. It is still about mobilizing people in an organization around common goals to achieve impact, at scale.”  LINK: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW – THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LEADERSHIP STILL HAVEN’T CHANGED Image: Wokandapix / Pixabay

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